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IDA Model of Occupational Disability - D


Ideal for all employees since the focus is on promotion of wellbeing and health, inclusion, diversity as well as the prevention of occupational dysfunction and risk management

Unable to work due to incapacity
Present at work but not productive
Coping with job tasks
Occupational Dysfunction


Clinical OTs, medical practitioners, human resource practitioners, employers, managers and employee themselves 


Strategies are calculated on a per project basis as it depends on the content, duration, staff contingent etc. As such we can, and have, deconstructed our offerings to suit the organisational need. 


As Occupational Therapists we are trained to address the global functioning or well-being of an individual. This has to include addressing the person themselves, focusing on both their mental and physical health; the tasks the person has to perform and the environment in which the person needs to perform these tasks. All these factors (person, task and environment) impact on an individual’s overall performance and therefore their ability to function in their various roles. We use this model when implementing our  Optimise Employee Productivity Programme.



The Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 Ergonomics Regulations, was updated and published in December 2019. One part of the regulations stipulates that an employer is required to conduct risk assessments. A risk assessment is the analysis of the potential risks associated when an employee performs a specific job task or activity in their work environment. The regulation also states that a risk assessment must be reviewed every 2 years and that they must be conducted by a "competent person", who is defined as an individual possessing “the required knowledge, training and experience in ergonomics and, where applicable, qualifications specific to ergonomics”. An Occupational Therapist has the training and skills required for this. 

Performing a risk assessment for your organisation allows us to identify and prioritize your company’s unique risks in order to make recommendations on appropriate ergonomics controls e.g. training, adapting work tasks or work stations. 

Ask about our online risk screening tool for sedentary workers. This tool can screen each individual at their desk to provide an individual report with specific recommendations to ensure an ergonomically sound station. 


Absenteeism and return-to-work policies allow organizations to implement a fair, just and universally accepted management system to address absenteeism, presenteeism and ill health. Third party tracking of ill health absenteeism allows for the early identification and management of employees at risk of abusing sick leave; and those needing support to remain or return to productive employment



Learnerships for Persons with Disabilities

Learnerships are essentially SETA funded internships for persons with disabilities. They can build pipeline and enable transformation within an organisation. Running a learnership also permits you to gain BBBEE points


Running campaigns within your organization can raise awareness on a specific subject, thereby upskilling and empowering both employees and managers. Campaigns can be a once off workshop or run over a week, a month - the choice is yours. Our most popular campaigns:

  • Disability Awareness: education regarding models of disability, accommodations, bias, diversity, inclusion, stigma, discrimination

  • Mental Health: defining concepts, the MH continuum, the law, stigma, inclusive workforces, communication, discrimination, accessing services

  • Presenteeism: surveying staff to identify non-productive & educating managers on how to manage 'presentees'

  • Disclosure: surveying staff to determine the legally disabled employees which could improve your BBBEE score. This early identification allows for better disability management of these employees



Employees considered as Persons with Disabilities need to meet the criteria for this according to that set out in the Employment Equity Act. One of the criteria states that the condition should be "substantially limiting". OTs are perfectly suited to verifying disability and can also assist with prework screening to ensure effective reasonable accommodations that might be required can be implemented to promote productivity. 


If you have to retrench a portion of your staff, implementing a wellness service not only provides the outplaced employees with real support during a very tough time, but also distinguishes your organisation as socially responsible. Popular services include counselling services, skills audits & CV drafting, re-employment workshops, entrepreneurial workshops, financial and legal workshops.

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